
ホ ホ ホメリークリスマス HO HO HO Merry Cristmas


Yesterday my mother and Yui and I went to 2st.There many pretty house's that had a lot of decoretin.My favorite one was the train and Santa Cluase climbing the ladder.Yui loved the little river running by with the boats.


ゆさのたん生日おめでとう Yusa's Birthday Party

先週の土曜日ゆさが誕生会がありまあした。セーラー、アニーイー、 コートニ、デーブラ、ブレーンだ来ました。お外でおにっごこをやり、手ボールをやりました。セリナがケーキをもてきました。チョウコがはいていました。外 はクリームと花。ゆさはいっぱいプレゼントをむらいました。楽しいくった。

Last  Saturday I had a birthday party.Sara,Annie,Courtney,Debra and Brenda came.We played tag and handball.Serina (my babysitter) brung the cake.She works in the bakery store.Inside the cake is chocolate and the outside is cream with flowers.



今日は家でしくだをしました。ゆさがいっぱい書いてて手になにかができてきました。たまにいたくなる。みんなも同じでしょ? >o<

Today I studied a lot.While I was writing.I got a big thing on my hand because I wrote a lot.Isn't everyone have one?


キックボール Kick Ball

今日は学校でキックボールをやりました。ゆさはちがうベースを見ている間にボールがゆさの足にうたれた。強かった。 >0< 家に帰りながらゆさの足をひっぱて帰りました。いいいいいいいい~たい~

Today at school I played kick.While I was watching another base a ball came.It hit my leg.When I as walking home I had to drag my feet.


クッラース  ファーヤ Cross Fire

今日は学校の体育でクッラース ファーや遊びました。ゆさは最後の女でした。全部男で強かった。ゆさのひじにあたれた。女のチームが負けた。
Today at school I played Cross Fire.I was the last girl in the team.Most of the boys were strong.I got hit on my knee.The girls team last.


Bad day!

Today was worst day ever!Yui cried and cried.I hate it!My dad got so mad of the crying he gave Yui a punisment.Even tough my sister is one year old he put Yui in my room for 1 minute while I was making milk for her.She cried until my dad open the door.When she got out she came to me while she was crying and crawling.Her face was discusting!


また最小の日 First Day Agaian!


Today is the first day of gymnastics again!Fun FUn FUN!!!!!>~< "love it".who ever is reading this try Gymnastic.You it is fun.Hey me say FUN ok say it again.Hey I try GYMNASTIC


テェンクス げービーン休み Thanks Giving Break

今日は最小のテェンクスげービーン休みの日。五日も休みがあります。つまんない!!~ゆさは自分で遊ばなくっちゃかしら。か~ゆいとそばなくちゃかんな。~   だれもいしょうに遊べない!!

Today is the first day of thanks giving break.Five days of break day.But going to be BORING!!!.~ I'm just gonna have to play by my self all day....Ohter wise play with Yui my baby sister.No one to play with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


さいごの日  The last day


Today when I go to gymnastic it is the last day of gymnastic.We will to the excersice but we will have party too.My teacher is going to bring cookies.I'm not happy if i can not go to next class when I'm done with this class.


たん生日 Birthday

今日は学校でゆさのクラスメートのたん生日でした。カップケーキを食べました。ゆさは食べてない。みんなでぶねなるよね。~ >o<

Today at school was my classmates Birthday.We had cup cakes.I didn't eat any.Don't you think every one will get fat with the big cup cakes I saw? ~ )0(


長いブレーキタイム Recess

今日は学校で長いブレーキタイムがありました。本当はあんまり長いブレーキタイムはありません。ゆさはてつぼうとうんていをやりました。ゆさとゆさの友達はおにを遊んでちがうおにゲームも遊びました。おもしろかった。  >-< $~$
Today at school we had long recess(long break time).We usually don't have any but we did.My freinds and I played different kind of tag. I was FUN >o< $-$


オズのまほう使い  The wizard of oz

今日は学校でオズのまほう使いの本を読みました。オズのまほう使いは SRI の教科書の本のうちのテストです。(SRI テストは本とにやらなくってむいい)(やりたければやる)ゆさがオズのまほう使いを SRI のテストをとりました。ゆさがおわった時ゆさが何こまちがえたのを見ました。ゆさは四個まちがえた。六個まちがえてない。ゆさは 1.2 ポイントできた。ゆさが全部あってたら 2.0 ポイントがある。1.2は先生がSRI チャートにぬる。

Tosa at school I took the SRI test.(I didn't need to take)(I just want to get extra point)My SRI test book was the wizard of oz.When I saw my grade I got 6 right and 4 wrong.At least I got 1.2 points.If I got all of them right I would get 2.0 points.Ky teaxher will put my scare at the SRI chart.


社会と体育  Social Studies and PE


Today I had Social Studies and PE rotation class.My teacher for Social Studies was Mrs.Greene for PE it was Mrs.Azusenis.We read a lot in our first rotation.In PE we played Kick Ball.I was fifth hitter.My class line was long so I only got one kick.I made a home run *_*


エクスーマンー X-man


Today when i went to Costco my brought a movie called X-man we have not was it yet but we wll.my parents and Yui and I will watch .I don't think Yui will watch~


時間わすれた Time forgot


Today when I went to Chiness School my teacher forgot the time because there was no clock in the room.When we went to play outside we were ten minutes late.Our teacher said we will get ten mintute free time.When I played it was a bit boring because there was no other class.


ハローウェん Halloween


On Halloween my freind Sara came over.Sara and I was freind for many years.We used to live in same apartment but I moved.Sara lived upstairs I lived downstairs.We went trick-o-treat together at my place.I wanted to go to Sara place but it was to late.

へいきんだい Bean stick


Today when I go to gymnastic I will do the bean stick.It starts at 7 and end at 8.I do not know what I am going to do at the bean stick.BYE BYE I am going now @__@




I am the only one!?....

Today when I went to gymnastic I was the only begginer.There was three advanse student because I was the only begginer that teacher's said we should combin me to the advanse.At advanse they did stuff I didn't do before.It was fun.


シャークと言う名前のゲーム Game named Shark


Today at school my freinds and I played a game the we made up.It is called sharck.This is how you play.On one side the is some slide,monkey bars and stairs.Whoever is it can not go up the stairs or whatever you climb on.Whoever is not it needs to go across before 1 min.Who ever did not go across is it other wise the it person can tag a person who is not it.


バレボール Volley ball

Today I went to gymnastic.We did a lot of things.I can't remember.After gymnastic my dad picked me up.We went to my mom place the gym.My mom was playing Volley Ball.Even Jean went.My mom and Jean goes to japaness team.Today's team is different.Jean called her freinds if they want to play.even some from my dads team.


ドラッグきん止 No to drugs

おやすみ >o<
Today at school we had an assemberly.It was about drugs.There were fire trucks and fire fighter. The Captian said ",When you grow up don't do drugs"and that is what he said.


赤い顔 Red face

今日はゆいの顔が赤い。ゆさはねつだと思う。ゆいがねつがあるんだらゆいはいっぱい歩かない。でもいっぱい鼻水がでてる。*_* あとでママとお買い物行ってハロウィーンの物を買います。
Today Yui's face got red.Everyone knows Yui right.NO YES.Yui is the little baby.I thought she had fever.I f she had fever she will not be running in the house,she even have running nose.Later on my mom and I will go shopping for Halloween.


さかたち handstand

今日は体そうを行く前にさかたちを練習した。みんなさかたちしってる?しってるよね。。しらないかな。。~ さかたちは手を下に付いて力いっぱい下をキックする。みんなできる??。。。
Before I go to gymanstic I pratice doing the handstand.Do you or do you not...?Never mind.This is how you do it put your hand on the ground and kick of the ground. Can you do it??..


12345 12345

Today we had an Assembely at the auditorium.Is like about juggoilng.There teachers and they said a game and it is called chicken soup.When they picked the kids i got to be picked.I was 1 and there is 2,3,4,5.Here is the game I get a ball.2 and 3 holds net 4 hold holla hoop 5 hold bucked.I throw the ball.The net catch.Then 2 and 3 is going to count to three and tries to get the ball from the net to the bucked.If the ball go somewhere else 4 has to move together.


体そう gymnastic

九月二十五日に体そうを始めた最小に日にはゆさのルームメートとママがきました。ルームメートはジーンです。みんなジーンおぼいている。>0<? 先生は五人います。でもその日は一人先生がいました。二つクラスがあります。ひとつのクラスはベガナでも一つはアダバンスです。ゆさの先生の名前はキムです。最小の日は手が何かつかまえてジャンプします。そのあとにそく転と前転をやいました。     

       On September 25 I started Gymnastics.There is 5 teachers.My teachers name was Mrs.Kim. There is two calsses on beiginner and the other advanced. I went with mom and Jean.Did U forget Jean!!!!! She is my roommate.On the first day we did some kind of jumping.We put our hands on something and jump on to something.Next we did cartwheel and forth roll.    



キリー  Kelly

今日は学校でハーリウードからきた人がきました。おの人の名前はケリーといいます。ゆさは知らないけどたぶんケリーはテレビに出でいると思う。みんなでフラフプをらりました。ケリーはマッジク見たいのおしえてくれました。おもしろかた。@_@ フラフプやてたとき四年せー六年生からきまいた。じゃまでゆさはみんなにぶすかりました。°>-<° なく~~~~~
Today when went to school there was a person who came from holly wood.WhooooooooHer name was kelly.We did a hoola hoop contest when kelly counted who was the left and the record was 49 peoples U know taolking about right.She even teach some tricks about holla hoop.It was from 4 grade-6 grade.It was a lot of people I got bumped!>_<>



今日はバーンドに行きました。ゆさはサクスホーンをやています。今日は学校で新しい物をおしえてくれました。最小リード。リードは木です。そりでマウスピースがあります。リードをぬらさないと音ができません。リードをぬらしてマウスピースに入れます。音をできるようには下の口びるを中の口に入れて上の口びるお外にやります。したは元後ろにおいとく。音はホーン ホーン

Today I went to the band.I am playing Saxaphone.Today I learned about reed and mouth pieace. First you need to make the reed wet.Reed is a wood.Second put the reed to the mouth pieace.In then use the plugs to make it tighter.Then if you want make the sound right you have to
use the bottom lip to go back ward and use the up lip to go frontward.Then your toung needs to go backer.Then the sound honk-honk!


サクスホーン Saxophone

Today we went to by a Saxophone.It was new.It was from Yamaha.When I open inside it was the first time I ever toucht the saxophone.UH oh it time for me to sleep!>-<


手ボール Handball

今日は学校でクラスをかえました。今日は体育をやりました。先生の名前はアズネス先生です。体育でハンドボールといいます。ハンドは手です。日本語でいいたかたら手ボールといいます。ちょうとへんかな~ かべがあってボールをあてます。かべは前と後ろをボールであてられます。ボールをあてていかいバンスしてからボールをかべにあててそれでボールをまたいかいバンスしてからあてられます。あとはないかりらー ^0^ ないい~
Today we rotate agian.This time we rotate to PE class.For PE we did handball.IF you don't know how here are the rules:there is two side of a wall you can hit the ball on either sides.First if you want to hit the ball has to hit the ground (if you are serving)once and hit.When you hit it the ball the ball need to hit the ground then hit the wall.After the ball hits the wall the ball need to bounce one then you can hit it again.SLEEPY ^o^


ドッチボール dogheball

>~< @_@ ^o^
Today when I went to school we had PE.We played cross fire.It is a game I is a game I never played before.Here how it goes.There is a team A and B.In the middle there is a line to separate.It is like dogheball.There is a square at the end of the square there is guard so ball wwould not go out.I guess thats all the rest of it is like doghe ball.>o< @_@ ^~^


ロテーァン rotation

今日は学校でちがうクラス行って図工行きました。ロテーァんといいます。今日は最小の日でしたからあんまりやてない。クラスの中の事を教えてくれました。ここがこの人がすわるとかここは先生の物.先生の名前はミドリセンセイ。ちょうヘンな名前でしょう。 >o<
Today when I went to school we rotate to another class.My class rotate to Ms.Green class for art. We didn't do much because it was our first time to rotate at fouth grade.
Ms. Green just told where is this where is that.And where we sit.
>o< !!SSLLEEEEPPYY!! >o<


億 Million

今日は学校で算数とりかとしゃかいをやりました。算数で億のことをらりました。百億と十億と一億をやりました。書くのはいっぱいでした。>0< ^o^
Today when I went to school we did math,science,and social studies.For math we did about digits.We are learnig millions.Last we leared about tousand.For millions we did hundred millon and ten million. >o< YYAAWWNN


あやとまき Aya and Maki

九月十日にママのお友達が来ました。夜にバービキュをやりました。肉いっ ぱいでした。ぴんまんとマシルムとぶどうがありました。おいしかた。 >-< ゆさとママとパパはバービキュをずうとうやりませんでした。木曜日にみゃと まきは日本にかいります。 >~< またくるかしら?

On the 9\12\06 one of my mom came to Ameirca.There name is Aya and Maki.They came from Japan.On Tursday they will go back.That night we had BBQ it was delices.>~<>

歯のきょうせい Braces

いやだな ~ 二年だぞ!!!>~<
Today I went to the dentist.The docter said that my tooth are creked.That I need Braces.Forst i need a appointment to get an X-ray for my tooth.When I go to the docter I will get the braces for TWO YEARS!!It is for TWO YEARS!CAN YOU BELIVE THAT?


わすれた Forgot to tell you


On 9|7|0 6 I was suspose to tell you that it was the first day of school.On that day I made a new friend.I am new to the school.The schools name is Pulms School.Last year it was a differnt school the name was Bixby.Anyway my friend name is Dumeque (dum-a-nike).My teachers name is Mrs.Iris.In my class there is more then tirty students!At first Mrs.Iris was really susprise that she had so many students.Mrs.Iris said last year she had only 16 stundents in her class last year.


どうしょう! Uh oh!

今日は中国語の学校の最小に日でした。>-< ゆさは三年生です。きょうねんやた事をふくしゅうしました。さいぎに先生がみんなに教科書をあげました。ゆさが教科書を見たら教科書はきょうねんからおなじでした。先生がクラスから出てきたから言うねっかた。>~<
Today was the first day of Chiness school. >-<>~< I didn't had time because it was the end of school.I went outside I saw my dads car and I tood him what happend so he said I will talk to the office.


野球のしりあい The Baseball Game

昨 日は野球のしりあいに行きました。ママとパパとゆいと行きました。夜ごはんでナチョーうズと言う食べ物を食べました。七時から十一時までおわたと思いま す。ナチョーうズにはチイズがあて、あのチイずはからかた。ゆさはあんまりからいの物は好きじゃない。野球のすわる場所は高くてこわかた。でもだんだんな れてきました。ゆいがじとすわれなかたから早く帰た。

Yesterday I went to the Los angels baseball game.I could't write Yesterday because I came home very late.Inside of the baseball game was really big.I went with my mom,dad,Yui and me.My family sit in a high row.At first I was scared but I got use to it.For dinner we ate Nactos.The chess was spicy. I don't like spicy food.It start at7:00.It probly ended at 11:00 at night or something.
We left early because my sister could't sit still.


おばけのかみの毛 Ghost Hair!

Today my mom cut my dads hair.While my mom was cuttind dads hair I played with Yui outside. Yui and I played with toy cars and take walks.When mom was done cutting dads hair Yui and I cleaned up the touys that we played then went home.When I went home I looked at dads hair it.....
looked a bit weird but it was ok .My mom said"my dad looked like a ghost."


テスト Test!

昨 日は8月三十日で水泳はテストがありました。水泳でせろおよぎとクロルおよぎをやりました。せろおよぎは五回か四回やりまいした。クロルおよぎは六回およ ぎます。せろおよぎとクロルおよぎをおわたらダイビングボードをいけます。ゆさはたまに走ってジャーンプをするのが大好きです。

Yesterday 8/31/06 I was test day for my swimming class.We did back stroke and free stlye.Most days we need to do 6 laps.Back stroke we need to do 4 or 5 times.If we finised the back stroke and free sytle early we get to go on the diving board.Yesterday we got to go on the divung board.Most of them I run then jump.


テニス Tennis

今 日はテニスに行きました。ママとパパとゆいとゆさのルームメートジーンと行きました。ゆさはジーンとテニスをやりました。それでパパやりたいって言うてだ からゆさとジーンはチームメートでした。ゆさがつかれたときママがジーンと遊びました。ゆさとパパはゆいと遊びました。ゆさは坂にねてころばりました。ゆ さがさかからころばるのををわたらあたまがぐるぐるまわりました。楽しいくた。ママとジーンがおわたらゆさとジーンをまたテニスをやりました。家に帰った らころけを夜ごはで食べました。

Today I went to Tennis with my mom,dad,my roommate jean and my little sister Yui.We went to Cerritos Park.I verised Jean then my dad said "I'll play so Jean and I were team mates and verised my dad.No one game ball while I was Jeans team mate.I only got the ball three our four times.It was bit boring.After I was finised I played with my sister at the hill my dad wacth us just
in case my sister fell.While dad was waching Yui I went rolling down the hill.I was a bit dissy when I was finised.And when my mom was done verising Jean I said "I wanted to play" they let me play so I verised Jean.



Today my mom will go to Chiness school.If my mom goes to the school。 I asked who will make dinner?My mom said "you"??!!ME!!??My mom said you will make Pasta she tood me how to do it.
:boil water till bubbles come,put oil and salt then pasta.After that we put the pasta in a basket.
Then we put the sorse in another pan to heat it up.My mom put the sorse in the cold place so it will last longer.


コストコ Costco

Today I went to Costco A Whole Lot sale!When I went to Costco I went with my mom,dad,my sister Yui and my Baby sitter Serina and her friend Scott.After we came home from Costco my roommate Shawn and his freind Amy came to our house.Amy said yeaterday her owner said that she can't live in her apartment so she came to our house.She will stay in our house for two weeks. Amy will stay in my room and I will sleep in my parents room.



Today was the first day of my swimming class.I'm in level 3.When I was in level 2 my teachers name was Janice and when I went to swimming it was the same teacher from level 2.If only I didn't went to Taiwan I could start from the beginning trough the end.But this year i started from the beginning trough the middle.After next week no more class.Why?Because r school is going to come.


おかいもの Shopping day

Today I went shopping.I went with my dad and my little sister Yui.We went to Costco A Whole lot sale.Then we went to 99 Ranch Market.It took almost two hours.After we were done shopping we went home.We at luanh with everyone Mom,dad.yui and me.Then !:00 my mom went to go beach vally ball with her team.


人がいない、よかった no people!

Today needed to wake up early.Just what I said like yesterday.My sister and I wook up at 6:30 in the moring.My sister wasn't a wake but if I go to the bathroom or get a drink she starts to cry.I don't how she wakes up!Then my mom and I went to the pool tp register.We need to go early so there will not be al lot peoples in line.But today there wasn't a lot of people.Good!When we came home and strated to eat I was talking about something to the people ate the table my sister fell a sleep!



今日は水泳のさいごの日です。ゆさは1と2のクラスをパスできたので2のクラスにも行ったから3のクラスにいけることができた。7月19日の日が来たらゆさは3のクラスを申しこみをできます。ゆさは !Happy!
Today was the last day of swimming.I'm happy "why" because I can go to level 3!I have finised level 1 and 2.Tommorrow The 19 I can register to go to level 3 Yay.!Happy!


ビーチ!  Beach!

Today I went to the beach.My mom and my moms freind went there.At first when I went to the water it was really cold!When I got used to it it was not cold at all!We went Body Board. I mostly got to ride the most of the wave.Childlren is light so it is easy.For adults it is hard.There heavy.


つくった Make food

今日は夜ごはんをつくりました。ゆさが入れた物のたべものはぶたをちよと切って、それでたまごをいれて、おしょうゅを入れてあじものとをいれて、しおとこしょうをいれました。たべてみたらし!!!!!!!。                           (~~)
Today I made dinner just one bowl.The things I put are pork,egg,onion.I put some soy sorse,and put a little pepper and some sult.When I taste I was great REALLY GREAT!!!!!MMMM


おせんたく Help Landry

Today I helped my mom do the landry.Then I cleaned the house like wipe the flour.After I been cleaning I sweat a lot even my hair.Is evey one doing ok?SEE U NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!


アチュう!かぜをひいた Achooo!!!!!

Today when I finised my swimming class my mom picked me up.When I got home I was really cold.I catch cold.Achooo!!!! I have sneeze many times.


たこ kite

Today I did homework that my
gave me.It is Japaness.Yesterday we went to the 99cent store and I bought a kite .So today I want to use the kite so I put the items together read the intrucsion.And made it.My mom helped me.


水泳のテスト Swimming test

Today when I went to my swimming class we had a test.We did back stroke and nomarl swimming.Our teahcer ask some things we did in swimming andwe will do it.For exampole jelly fish flout it means :you grab your legs and be in the water 5-10 seconds.


国語 Idea or  Thing

Today I pratice my Japaness charters.Each Charters stands for an idea or a thing like this one 今
this one means now.If it is a new charters I will pratice it 2 times.


ダイビングボード! Diving Board!

Today I went to the Swimming class.9:oo-9:30.Today we went of the Diving Board.My class is not the kind of class does diving and stuff we just swim and pratice new things.The Diving part was just for fun.


三人のお友達 The Three Friends


Today and yesterday and the day after yesterday I went somewhere with my moms friend.On friday we went to the Hollywood.It was because my moms friend came here to visit Californa.From Japan.Yesterday we went to the Disneyland.The only peaple who went was the three friends and me but not my parents because they needed to stayhome.Today we went to the beach. We just put our foot in.This time we went with everyoneMom,dad,yui my sister and the three friends I don't want to say there names because it will confuse you.


ほんとのこと Truth


On monday I whanted to say that I went to swimming classs at Lakewood.It is only 30 minite.
Today after I went to the swimming class my moms friend asked if we whanted to go to the Beach to Boarding Board.My mom and I went there.Here is an Picture.



Yesterday I went to the Beach with my roommate.Her mame is Jean.We went to Boarding Borad.



昨日はママがゆいのかみのけを切った。お外出るとママがゆいのふくをのがした。はだかだった。水で遊んでた。。ゆさは水着おはいた。 楽った。 

Yesterday my mom cut my sisters hair.My mom took of all of my sisters cloths.She was naked.I was in my swiming suit.My sister and I got wet!


じゃね?Bye bye?


Today I am going to my dads baseball game.My friend Courntney will be there.I have to watch my sister too.Before we go there we need to send someone to the airport. His name is Jason.


ジョギング  Jugging

Today I went jugging with my mom. I rode my bike my mom juged.We ate then take a shower.

テスト Test

昨日は家で漢字テストがあった。まちがえたのはまた練習する。それで国語の教科書読んだ。それでピアノうを練習した。Yesterday I did a spelling test with my Japaness book.If I get it wrong I need to pratice agian.Then I read my Japaness book three times.


あれ What?

Yesterday I went to the tennis court.But none of them was opened.We went home because we didn't play tennis we went to the park.My sister and I went to the slide.My sister laughed all lot
when we went down the slide Whheee!


Yesterday I came back from Taiwan it was a long trip.My dads baseball player took me to Ameirca.His name is Yhe Jung Suo.I came with there his wife and his two daughter.One is
Courtney I have mensine her before.The other one is Whitney.Then my mom picked me up.



Yeaterday I was going to write todays diary but the computer froze.Yesterday we went to my grand grandma house.Then we went to a drug store.My grandma and grampa knows them.At first we got one balloon then we got a whole bag of balloon!



Yesterday I went a walk with my grandma.With the bike when we made a U-turn my grandma fell. blood on her leg and arm.I don't think she is good at U-turns.At night when go to sleep I was helping my grandma up the stairs.

The day before yesterday.I couldn't write because the person that owns the computer was not here.The owner is San YU dad.The day before yesterday I was jumping to try to get taller.I sweet a lot.Ichy!I took a shower then eat then read a book then sleep.


Today I went shopping with my grandma we went to barkey store.We bought chess bread and strawberry bread.We went on the bike.I was borrowing my cousin San yu bike.I went for a walk with my little baby cousin name Yu Shren.And his mom.Yu Shrean is only one year old.just like my sister Yui.Well then is time for me to eat.
Yesterday I couldn't write my diary because I went to my grandma moms house my grandma dad died even my grampa parent died too.We ate there.There was a birthday girl so we ate cake.it was like ice cream cake mit was really cold.After that we went home I took a shower then sleep.Bye!


Today July 5 when I woke up my head didn't hurt HURYA!afternoon I had Piano lesson at 2:00-2:30.At 3:00 to 4:30 I had Abacus class.I was so sleepy because I didn't take a nap.Because I didn't take a nap I almost fell asleep.After class I took a Shower then eat then write my diary then later I will read a book before I sleep.If I don't I can't read.I always read a book berfore I sleep is because it has memory of my family Japanees to mom and dad to Taiwaness.Japanees and Taiwness are mostly the same because there the same.Bye see you later!
Yeseterday my grampa caught a bird.It was pretty it look like if it was a parrot I tried to say Hello it didn't answar.HmmmmmmmWhat should I do?Maybe is not a Parrot.But the color of the bird seeems like if it was a parrot.Never mind.Afternoon my head started to hurt so I didn't wrote the diary.And so It's time for The end BYE BYE!!


Today is July 3.And there is no school.I was bored not that bored I played with my little baby cousin hold him but he can't walk his name is Yu Shren.When I hold him he trise to stand up and when he does he stand on my lap .He jumps on me HURTS!!Just like my sister Yui!Then I did my homework.Then went to school of Abacus.And that is all I guess.GGOOOODD NNIIGGHHT!!
Yesterday I went to Ti Zong with San YU and her sister Yi Ru and there mom and dad.We went to visit there family.We ate cake for the Birthday girl but I was to full that I can't eat more then three bite and I didn't eat the cake.They had a pool it was small the water is cold they had two small pool they put air and water.I was too cold so I was the first one to get out.Thats all Bye bye!
The day before yesterday I went to the park it was kind of far.I went with SanYu,San Yu little sister Yi Ru,there mother and father.We went to many items the we can play I can't say it all because is to much my favorite one was the riding car.You have to pay for it when I rode it it made some music I didn't understand but is OKAY!BYE BYE!!


Today was the last day of the school.Today was really short day.It was until 7:30-10:00. Regether days are 7:30-12:00.I gusse is because is the last day of the school.After I came back from school I did my homework.Then went to piano pratice.After that my Grandpa and I went to buy milk.BYE BYE!TIME FOR ME TO SLEEP!GGOOOODD NNIIGGHHT!!


Toady at school we had an performence.I did the piano the name of the music is M0ney Can't Buy Anything!Is a little tuoph for me.But I fine.Not so bad you know.The second performece was singing I was not in it just five.Then the 3 one is a act it was about a bunny racing a turle then the bunny said"Oh the turtle is slow so I'm goig to take a nap.While he took a nap the turtle
got in frount of the bunnt and won!Then the fourth performece is about a violen my cousin San Yu was the violen girl I don't know what song she did.Then the fifth was singing.GGOOOODD NNIIGGHHTT!!


Today I had Piano pratice.My teacher's name is Ms.Lora thats is her engliss name I don't know her Taiwaness name.Then at night we went shoppig with my cousin San Yu and her dad and me.We went there because tomorrow is the last day of school.My cousin San Yu bought two bags of chips and I bought just one back of chips.Is time for me to sleep.GGOOOODD NNIIGGHHTT!!


Today was suspose to be long day but it was not long day.I didn't know why?Strange!Can some one tell me please I wanted to know because I wanted to write it down on the diary.Well when I came back from school there was an deid fish in the fish tank.Those fish my cousin and I fish got it from the small river there is all lot!Of small fish's.My cousins name is San Yu I have mensin her many times.Ok then time for me to sleep.GGOOOODD NNIIGGHHTT!!


Today when I came back from school I did my Japaness homework Reading and writing the Japaness creters.5 times each.Then I went to Piano pratice with my cousin San Yu.I don't have much to say today.GGGOOOODD NNIIGGHHTT!!
Yesterday I went to my dad younger brother wife Mom house.The house looked really old some were crused down like if there was an war!That place was scray!Wooooo!Then my head started to hurt so I told my dad younger brother wife that my head hurts.I told my grandma that my head hurts and she gave me an medicine.Is the kind that I don't like.Is hard not the powder one.And so I ate it then took a nap.I woke up I didn't hurt.Yay!Bye !!


Today is Sarurday.I went to Piano pratice at Taiwan with my cousin San Yu my cousin.The books my teacher bought is a little hard but... is ookk!Bye Bye time TO SLEEP!


Today Is Friday.I went to school.My teacher gave me an asiment about a book.One Questren said what person do you like I said"The girl Because she is funny looking".The last two was what sentece do you like?I said" The flower is bigger then the Peaple.that is not acturly true.The second one is The flower is bigger then the Trees!I hope is not!Good night!
On Thusday it was day of.That day we went to the mountain walk agian.This time we started at the end.We went all away to the Start.My grandpa waited for us in the car.I wish we can go as much as we can on the mountain walk so I can sweet and lose weight.


Today was long day it is though 7:30 am-4:00pm.Regelur days is 7:30-12:00.Yesterday night I went to sleep but not enough beacuse on Monday my cousin Cren hsren He didn;t sleep at all!!!?
After I came back from school I did my Japaness homework then went to Piano pratice with my cousin San Yu.Bye Bye .Gooooood Night!


Today I went to school .Taiwan school.I alomost fell asleep because yesterday My little cousin boy Named Cren Hsren He won't sleep He stayed up for the whole night!I'm sleepy really sleepy.I have two baby cousins one Yu shren and the other Cren Hsren.Baby boys are really really thouh.Thats what my mom said.


Today June 17 Saturday I went to the moutains walking up up up .I went there with my Grampa,Grandma,my cousins San yu and yi ru.We only went half a way I wanted to go more but went back.Since i went to Taiwan I lost so far I think I lost 5 pounes. YYaaaaaay!Good Night eveyone.
Yesterday June 16 Friday,I was going to my cousins room Then I hit my Pinky toe on the Coach of the living room.The wood part.That day My cousins and I went fising by the river.Just small fish.


On the eleventh I was really bored really like One thousend bored!My cousins went out for the whole dayBut i read some books some were boring and some funny.Then ay night My grampa went to shop Iwent to.It was for Breakfast.It was good yyuummmmyy.yummy in my tummy.Most peaple say that.

A trip to Taiwan

On Saturday I helped my dads big brother named Zong Ren.I helped him by stapuling The stuff for climing mountains.Is like a methou for the rope.My Cusin Yi ru helped to. I'm The biggest Cousins the oldest.The second one is San re Then comes Yi ru then Shen run then Chren hsren then Ru shren.This is Japaness Taiwan ni ka i ta ra nihonngoni ka ki ma su.
On friday I am at the airplane stiil Boring! Really Really RRRRReally boring.I wacth some movie but still bored!!!!!!Bye bye!
This is Japaness.ni ho nn go de ka ke na i.Go me nn na sa i


ゆさの代わりにママが書くゆさの日記/Mom writing yusa's diary


Yusa left house at 10:30 at night, and flied to Taiwan last night. She uses Malasia AirLine this time.
She wa
tched King kong, Aladdin and Fire wall(??) in the air plain.
Her grandma picked her up at the Bus Station after she arrived to Taiwan, Taichung. It's raining there and hot!, she said.


デズニランド Disney Land


Today at school we had Computer Lab every Tuesday.In the computer lab we did about our planets.I finised mine already.At school we had a writing test in the writing test we had to write about A trip with your Famliy.I wrote about a time I went to Disney land with my mom,dad Yui my sister and me.

ローング ベース Long Base

昨日は学校でゆさの大すきな体育をやれました。ロング ベースをしました。楽しかった。
Yesterday at school we played my favorite PE game.It was fun!My team has lost!
But it is ok. They got 4 we got 0.We can play next time!


てにす Tennis


Today my mom,dad,my new room mate Jean I think I mensine her before and my sister Yui and me went to tennis.I swweeeett aa lloott!!!!!!!!!!!!


いい点  Goog grade


Today at Chiness school we had to review our final test .My report was all A but one B.My teacher said I'm going to next grade.Yay Hoory!!!!

ママ何で行かないの?Why are you not going mom?

Yesterday my mom is suspose to have valla ball pratice but instead she didn't go because today she had a game.Olso yesterday my dad had an game but his team lost.


ネイテイブアメリカン Native American

Today at school we went to computer lab becuse last week my class went to the Southwest museum to see Native American.At computer lab we made a book about Native Americans.



Today at school we did a speacil thong Scince I kind of my favorite because we can discover new things.We learned about frogs we got to see the inside of a grog kind of disgusting!!!We learned about lungs,kidney,fat bodies,liver,stomch,bladderand thats allI think.Goooodd niigghhtt!!

テスト Test

Yesterday at school we had a spelling pre-test.I got 3 wrong but it is just a pre-test.It'ok because on friday we take all of our open court reading test and spelling and math sometimes.


食べに行く?Want to eat?


Today it is Mermoriol Day my family didn't do anything.Well...my dad boss said to come for lunch at a sushi reterrunt.MMM was goooooood.


ママいない Moms Not Home

Today my mom Vallyball captin move out so my mom went to help.My mom went at noon means 12:00 and she didn't come home.I think she is coming home late late late.    


はく物かん Museum

Yesterday at school my class and a another class went on a field trip.We went to the
Southwest Museum.We learned a lot of Native peaple.

ものもらい pink eye

The day after yesterday I couldn't write because I had an a pink eye.I needed to close my eyes for the whole day.


Fit-A-Thone Fit a Thone

Today at school we had a fit-a-thone.At the fit-a thone we had soccer,race track,monkey bars race,and jump rop contest and a holla hoop contest.IT WAS A LOTTTTT!!!!!TIRERING My feet was so stiffed!

ゲーム Game

Yesterday at school we had computer lab.At computer lab we played differnt games.My favorite one is Math Facts Baseball.

バァオリン Violen

On Monday at school some of my classmate has violen class and I'm one of them.I wonted to play the violen.





おたんじょうび Happy birthday

Yesterday I didn't much time because yesterday my friend Courney Yee dad had a party.It was a birthday party.I was having fun!!!!!!!!!!!


おかもの  Shopping

Yesterday I didn't had time and now I didn't have time eatier.Yesterday Iwent shopping with my baby sitter at Costco.


セイレントボール  Silent Ball


Today at school it was minemum day.At schoolwe played a short game called Silent Ball.It means you cannot talk inthe game or else you are out and cannot throw the ball side ways and pretend to miss a ball so the person throwed it miss the ball.

ひん weird

Yesterday at school we finished our art.Tomorrow we have to finsh a little bit more of the art.To me the picture I draw looked weird. 


大すき  I like

昨日は学校で えーと。。。。。。あ!昨日は学校でロングベースを遊びました。ゆさの一ばん大すき体育遊びものです。
Yesterday at school ummmm...........Oh!We played Long Base as our PE game!You know how I like LONG BASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOTTA GO SEE YA LATER!

母の日 Mother's day

On sunday it was Mother's day.I gave my mom a jar full of choocolete and fake flowers.My mom even gave me a bike!


新しい New

Yesterday I went Chiness school.I lreaned new Chiness charters.


カード card

Today at school we made a Mother's Day Card. We had a glass bottle that my teacher bought to class and mad them into gifts.I put tiny stickers that said Happy Mother Day Mommy .Inside the bottle was chocolate Kisses,a lemon tea bag that my teacher bought and some flat Pink and white marbles at the very bottom of the bottle to make it prettier.
It was fun.Have a good night sleep!GOOD NIGHT!

早い  Early

Yesterday I got out of school early.Monday,Tesday,Wednesday and Friday are the same time that I get out of school.Monday,Tesday,Wednesday and Friday I get out at 8:00-2:12.On Thursday its early day so it is 8:00-12:52.


きょうそう  Math bowl

Today at mornind we had a Math test standred test at was kind of hard.Today we didn't had PE but it is ok beacuse it was a Math Bowl competition.


Today we didn't had PE.It is because we had computer lab.We went to computer lab because it was for mother day holiday!Who ever read the last few words of the second sentens I hope that
you guys can make a Mother Days Card!!!!!!!!!!

ない None

Yesterday at school we didn't had PE!Monday and Tesday we didn't had PE!But I hope that we have PE tomrrow.


ゆい Yui

昨日はパパとおかい 物にいっしょに行きました。ゆいも行きました。私は一人しか妹とがいない。ゆいはいさい四か月です。
Yesterday I went shopping with my dad .We went Costco.My sister Yui went too.I only have one sister that is Yui.Yui is one yesrs old and four months.


とくめつ Specil

Today I went to Chiness School.Resses starts at 10:30 and ends at 11:00but today is some kind of
sepcil day.My chiness school starts at 9:00-12:00.Today recess starts at 10:30-12:00.
Because is a sepcil Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


そうぞ Subdatoot

Today at school we had a subdatoot.Her name was Ms.green.Will...I don't have nothing eles to tell you so see you tommorrow!

だいすき Like


Yesterday at school we played a game called Long Base is like kick ball but the base is more longer.
It is my favorite PE game of all!I really like it.


どっちボール Dodge Ball


Yesterday we played Dodge Ball.When we played Dodge Ball I was the last one to be hit. I was running then I tripped.When I tripped I was on the ground I tried to roll but a boy from my classHenry hit me with the ball fast that I couldn't roll fast and hit me right on my neck!!!!!


Today we had a harder test then yesterday.Today was a lucky day we had PE.Yay!


Yesterday my class had a test.We have test on Monday through Thursday.This week
through the fifthteenth,sixthteen,seventeenth my whole school will have a Star test.



Today I played with Yui.Yui played with the ball.Yui kicked the ball just a tiny tiny kick.Sometimes I tell Yui to give me the ball and she does.


今日は Cerrtosでパレーどとカーニバルがありました。ゆさはぜんぶののりものおのった。すごくたのしくた。

Today there was a parade and carnival
at Cerritos. I ride all of the rides but didn't ride the baby ride. My favorite ride was the Cliff Hanger.It was pretty high but I am not scared of hights.

Yestreday I went to my dad baseball game and my friend Cournty was there too.She is from a different country.Her dad and my dad play on the same team and they are friends too.



Today at school it was minum day so we got out early.That day we had After School Chess Club.I didn't go because I didn't sign up.And I have to walk home.
昨日は 体育もありました。学校で算数、国語とエーゴのむずかしいなものです。[エーゴのむずかしのはちよとかんたん。]

Yesterday we had PE.I was happy but not angry.At school in class we did math,Open Court Reading book and some cursive."Cursive is a little easy for me."


今日は 学校で ゆさのいちばん大すきなものをやた。体育です。体育できょうそをやた。

Today at school we did one of my favorite subject.It was PE. Is one of my favorite subject.We were suspose to have PE at after lunch recess but we didn't because of my class they are very very noisy and some boys are sometimes rude to my teacher Mr.Bauer thats why we didn't getPE! I get VERY angry!


Yesterday spring break has stop!YAh YAH I was so happy that spring break was over!School was really really fun!


Today my mom friends came over.Then at night they will go to the Gym.

Yesterday I went to my dad baseball pratice.And my little sisterYui came too.Yui is only one years old of three months.Then my friend Courney came too with her dad.Her dad and my dad are friends.We played at the park for three hours.


Today was not really fun because all i did was to take a nap in the mornig for two hours.And read tones of books . It was diffintely not fun.
I forget to do yesterdays.Yesterday was my mom birthday we had so much fun .The chess cake we ate was delices!YUMMY!


今日は 国語をやりました。え語の本を読んだ。それで ゆいをむかいに行きました。 それで 家に帰た。

Today I read my Japeness Open court.I even read tones of "Magic Tree House" books.Then My Dad and I pick up my sister Yui at Long Beach Daycare Nuresy.Then went home.Today we don't have a picture.


今日は パパの会社にいきました。こぐこの読む練習をした。あとヨヨで遊びました。[Magic Tree House]の本をよんだ。

Today I pratice my Japeness reading book.I also played with my yo-yo.And I read lots of books called "Magic Tree House".


今日 ゆさの家の にわに ねこがいました。朝から夜まで ミヤウーミヤウとないてた。すごくうるさいです。 これがねこの写真です。
Today there was a cat in my back yard that it won't go away!It keep on saying moew moew moew. I thouht it was hungry.It was saying moew moew moew mornig through night it was inoring!Here is a picture of the cat.


中国語の学校 The chiness school

今日は ゆさの中国ごの学校ではっぴょうがありました。それで パパの やきゅうのゲームに行きました。そのあいだにゆさのお友だちが来ました。


しいぞくかんにいこ!To the Museum

きょうは ままとぱぱと妹と私がレソトラン に いきました。ぱぱの お友だちと行きました。そのあとに水ぞくかんに行きました。うみのどうぼつをさわた。あとどうぼつのほねを見た。