
また最小の日 First Day Agaian!


Today is the first day of gymnastics again!Fun FUn FUN!!!!!>~< "love it".who ever is reading this try Gymnastic.You it is fun.Hey me say FUN ok say it again.Hey I try GYMNASTIC


テェンクス げービーン休み Thanks Giving Break

今日は最小のテェンクスげービーン休みの日。五日も休みがあります。つまんない!!~ゆさは自分で遊ばなくっちゃかしら。か~ゆいとそばなくちゃかんな。~   だれもいしょうに遊べない!!

Today is the first day of thanks giving break.Five days of break day.But going to be BORING!!!.~ I'm just gonna have to play by my self all day....Ohter wise play with Yui my baby sister.No one to play with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


さいごの日  The last day


Today when I go to gymnastic it is the last day of gymnastic.We will to the excersice but we will have party too.My teacher is going to bring cookies.I'm not happy if i can not go to next class when I'm done with this class.


たん生日 Birthday

今日は学校でゆさのクラスメートのたん生日でした。カップケーキを食べました。ゆさは食べてない。みんなでぶねなるよね。~ >o<

Today at school was my classmates Birthday.We had cup cakes.I didn't eat any.Don't you think every one will get fat with the big cup cakes I saw? ~ )0(


長いブレーキタイム Recess

今日は学校で長いブレーキタイムがありました。本当はあんまり長いブレーキタイムはありません。ゆさはてつぼうとうんていをやりました。ゆさとゆさの友達はおにを遊んでちがうおにゲームも遊びました。おもしろかった。  >-< $~$
Today at school we had long recess(long break time).We usually don't have any but we did.My freinds and I played different kind of tag. I was FUN >o< $-$


オズのまほう使い  The wizard of oz

今日は学校でオズのまほう使いの本を読みました。オズのまほう使いは SRI の教科書の本のうちのテストです。(SRI テストは本とにやらなくってむいい)(やりたければやる)ゆさがオズのまほう使いを SRI のテストをとりました。ゆさがおわった時ゆさが何こまちがえたのを見ました。ゆさは四個まちがえた。六個まちがえてない。ゆさは 1.2 ポイントできた。ゆさが全部あってたら 2.0 ポイントがある。1.2は先生がSRI チャートにぬる。

Tosa at school I took the SRI test.(I didn't need to take)(I just want to get extra point)My SRI test book was the wizard of oz.When I saw my grade I got 6 right and 4 wrong.At least I got 1.2 points.If I got all of them right I would get 2.0 points.Ky teaxher will put my scare at the SRI chart.


社会と体育  Social Studies and PE


Today I had Social Studies and PE rotation class.My teacher for Social Studies was Mrs.Greene for PE it was Mrs.Azusenis.We read a lot in our first rotation.In PE we played Kick Ball.I was fifth hitter.My class line was long so I only got one kick.I made a home run *_*


エクスーマンー X-man


Today when i went to Costco my brought a movie called X-man we have not was it yet but we wll.my parents and Yui and I will watch .I don't think Yui will watch~


時間わすれた Time forgot


Today when I went to Chiness School my teacher forgot the time because there was no clock in the room.When we went to play outside we were ten minutes late.Our teacher said we will get ten mintute free time.When I played it was a bit boring because there was no other class.


ハローウェん Halloween


On Halloween my freind Sara came over.Sara and I was freind for many years.We used to live in same apartment but I moved.Sara lived upstairs I lived downstairs.We went trick-o-treat together at my place.I wanted to go to Sara place but it was to late.

へいきんだい Bean stick


Today when I go to gymnastic I will do the bean stick.It starts at 7 and end at 8.I do not know what I am going to do at the bean stick.BYE BYE I am going now @__@

