
Weird crab

Today I went to a surfing contest.I was one of the one that got to sit really close to the surfers.I went with my mom,my sister Yui and my mom's friend Taeko.I went to the surface of the beach where their were a lots of rocks.Then my mom came with my sister.Taeko and I looked tons of
things like crab,fish and even a shrimp!Taeko found this weird looking crab.It had a shell on top of the body.Whenever they get scared the crab would go back inside the shell.I found a littlest shrimp scampering around the rocks.I took it and put it with the crabs.I thought that the crabs would eat but it didn't.I found a shell that is white and had straight lines from bottom to top.


1 2 3

今日は1,2,3のひ見たいです。先生がずっと1,2,3って言うの。うるさいろ!外も行ったり中にも1,2、3 がどこでもでる。                                        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/NY-123.svg/750px-NY-123.svg.png


今日はすごく変な日です。 なぜだと思うでしょう? バードラックの日です。今日はさっかのボールにあったた。足にすごくあたれた。明日もそゆふになるかな? どうしよう~~~~ 血も出たしさ~ へんだよ。も~~なぜ~。



Today I went to my swimming class.Since I was new I had to be tested....When I got in,my new class....I couldn't belive it.... I was right next to the advaced class.Advance class was the last class in the pool.Someone told me in Cerritos Pool you can be on a team if you are really good.
Ok... back to my swimming class.My teacher's name was Tony.When we were doing Freestyle,Backstrokes or using kickboard for some reason I was the fastest of all.Even tough I was the smallest I st
ill beat them.Not in any race or any thing I for some reason was the Fastest.I'm not trying to show of or somekind.YOU KNOW.Even If they get a headstart I still beat them.Except adults.I can't beat them HA Ha


日曜日の夜 Sunday Night

今日は日曜日です。日曜日の夜はママの友達とルムメート達をよんで一生に食べています。今日はママのバレーボールチームメート達をよんで食べに来てくれる。日曜日の夜はちがう食べ物を作っています。今日はおこのみやきにしました。たまには同じ食べ物を作る日もあるそうです。おこのみやきは新しい日曜日の食べ物です。おうしそうになるかな?>-< ?

Today is Sunday night and we have to get ready for everytthing.Every Sunday is a day that my family makes feast.Every Sunday night we makes different kind of food.Some Sundays we make same things but today is totally different.We are making a Japaness food that is usually would be made in resturaunt.It's called Okonomiyaki.I wonder if we can do it right.


に時間と三十分 2 hours and 30 minute


Today I went to sigh up for swimming at Cerritos Regional Park.My mom and I woke up at 6:30 .We were at the park at 7:00.I was surprised to see Brenda's mom their.Brenda's mom came at 5:45.Their was a long line.Instead going back of the line Brenda's mom let us cut her.We waited 2 hours just to sign up.When the gate open it was a relief.We were at the sighing place.Just then My heart was pounding.What if I don't make it?I almost,couldn't sign up when Brenda's mom saved me.Their was just one last space for me to sign up which was 11:00.Whew..What a life saver she is!


Music Day

勉強 勉強 つまんないから歌を聞きました。アメリカの歌で海に行く歌を聞いていた。その海の歌がゆさの大好きの歌になりました。

Nothing to do nothing to do~Study Study And Study!I decided music well cheer up.Then..................................I like th song called Surfing U.S.A.

If everybody had Ocean
Across the USA
Then everybody be surfing
Like californi-a
You see"Em wear their baggies
Husrachi sandles too
A bushy bushy blonde hairdo
Surfing USA

Youd catch em Surfing at del mar
Ventura county line
Santa crus and testle
Australlias narabine
All over Manattan
And down dohey way

Everybody gone surfing
Surfing USA

Well be planning That route
Were gonna take really soon
Were waxind down our surf boards
We can wait till June
Well be gine for summer
Were on surifng our stay
Tell the teacher were surfing
Surfing USA

Haggeris and Swammies
Pacific Palisades
San anofree and sunset
Redono Beacl L.A.
All over jolla
At waima bay

Every body gone surfing~



Every single day is Boring as ever.Just study study and study.Ugh~I have spent my whole summer studing can you belive it?YessshI would rather do something else.What about you?Would you rather study or just read.I pick read.Hmmm


なにをやる? What to do?


Today is what to do day.All I can do is study my Japaness homework that my mom gave me everyday.Math,Reading,and cursive.Uhhhhhhh~Yeeeessssssssshh what a day!~~~>~<~~~


ずと書いてない Long time no write

よ~元気ゆさは書くのがわすれたんだ~HA HA。。あとでゆさの友達に家に行くのです。ゆさの友達はブレンダと言うこなのです。ブレンダは弟がいるのです。一人はブランドンと言う子と一番小さい弟が赤ちゃんです。ブランドンは六歳です。ブレンダハ九歳です。ブレンだとゆさは一番おおきいこなのです。BYE BYE

As you can see I totally forgot about my diary.Ha ha well....later on I will be heading to my freinds house.My freind name is Brenda.she has a 6 year old brother and a few months old baby brother.She is the oldest of all.I too is the oldest.I have a little sister named Yui.She is 2 years old and 6 months.Brenda is 9 and me,Yusa is 10.Bye thanks for reading ><


今日は学校で楽しいものをやりました。なぜ楽しいかと言うと歌を歌ってからです。ふつうの歌じゃなっくてゲーム歌みたいです。ゲームって言うか。。。歌うとゲームみたいです。この歌はゴールドのうたです。4 年生は大事なテストがあります。そのテストをやってる間はカンニングをしちゃだめ。カンニングしないようにポーウスターを作りました。ポーウスターはテストをやってる間のヘルプーです。ポーウスターの中に(がんばって)とか(おわたらまたテストをよく見て)そういうことばを書かなきゃ。ポーウスターをやってるあいだはお歌を歌いました。

Today it was pretty fun at school.The reason why it was fun because we got to do the thing that we like the very most.In class we were singing.The singing part was the happiest part of the whole day.I know you think singing is weird but,it is not any kind of song it is a game song.Will....It is not a game but it is fun.Every one loves that song.It's the Gold Rush song.It's fun to sing it.In 4 Grade we have the Standard Test.In the standard test we can't cheat.In my classroom there are Multpucation charts number lines and so on....So my teacher we can't cheat so...what we did is to make...Posters.Not any kind of poster.Posters that will help us do better at the test.Like "Elimnate the Wrong Answers.""Check Again""Work Hard" Something like that.With the help of the singing we got more idea.


ひゆ Simile


Today at school my Language Arts class we learned about Simile.Simile is a sentence where we put the words like as or like.For example She ran like the wind.Like is comparing to wind.But I still have a lot to learn about Simile.


Dodge Ball

Today I played dodge ball for recess.It was fun.Worst part was when teacher go somewhere else
to ckeck on other kids.........The boys breaks the rules until the teacher turn around and gets them into trouble.The fun part for the girls playing dodge ball is that they don't need to be in the frout where the ball is.We get to bein the ball waiting it to roll past them.


体育とコーチT PE with Coach T


My teacher Mrs.Irish was announcing about Monday and Tuesdays morning scedule.She said 9:00-9:10 we do our daily math and daily joural.Then go outside to the racing tacks.Their we saw coach T.Coach T did warm up with the fourth grade student.Most of the student from the fourth grade moaned sense we didn't had time to do PE.The worst part of the moanig was U got to do push-ups.Coach T said "If U groan or moan I'll make U do push-ups......and some pople did.The tiring part of Coach T that he has to do warm up and PE withevery grade in the whole school.Exept kinder and pre.


かわりの先生 Subsitute


Today my class had two subtitute in a row.The second subitute was Mrs.Hockersin.When she is on the phone some of the boys talks then after Mrs.Hockersin is then speaking the boys that was talking while she was talking gets in trouble.Everyone says that "Mrs.hockersin gets mad easily to talkers.She even sends them to the Principal without a warning."Most girls says that Mrs.hockersin is nice.I couldn't decide.


この日はきらい!   I hate this day!


Today I didn't had PE because of the Bad-Boys.The Bad-Boys meaning that they are very Bad. Not girls just the Boys.Even though the teachers warn them they don't care.Want to know the Bad-Boys.It's Kendall,Jalen last but not least Cristane.Guess who is the worst.To find out look at the very bottom.Before looking down their write in the comment.

答えゼイラン Answer Jalen


ラッコのレポートとチャニーズのホラーデー Sea Otter Report and Happy Chiness Year!


I am doing animal Report on Sea Otter.The Report animal has to be in the book called Island of the Blue Dolphins.So far in my class the Wolves is like the famous one for the Report.Sea Otter is about the 4th best for the report.Happy Chiness Year.Gong Hay Fat Choi that means New Year. >V< ~


赤い顔 Red Face

今日は体育でクロスファイヤーをやりました。ゆさはいっつもあせをかきます。今日は男たい女でした。3と3でした。ゆさが最後の女でした。あれ。。。。。2と1ゆさが1で男が2  きやああああ~でもゆさはあたれました。それで。。。家に帰えてきてら。。ゆさはかがみを見たら。。。ゆさの顔はまかっか!!!

Today for PE I played Crossfire.I usually sweet when play Crossfire.Crossfire is one of my favorite kind.It was boys against girl which was fair because it was 3 toc 3.I was the last girl.I was battling 2 against 1.That was so unfair!I had to yell it.I don't know why?But.....I got out.After the bell rung.I went home then I saw my face in the mirror.Uh...It was totally RED!


おめでと ゆい  Congruguation Yui

ゆいのデイ ケーやでゆいが赤ちゃん3かようじクラス1に行きました。ゆさはうれしかった。ゆさがもっとうれしかった(こと)はゆいがゆさのうたをおわせるときです。タイトルはオール メク ハーで ファームと言います。でむ英語で全部くりかえすとあんまり意味がわかんないでしょ。だからタイトルだけ書きます。じゃまたね~

In Yui's day care Yui moved to Baby 3 to toodler 1.I was happy for Yui.I was even more happy when Yui could finish a rym.It goes like Old mic donald had a farm then Yui goes like e ya e ya yo and then I say with a quck quck goose and a quck quck there Yui goes e ya e ya eya yoo~ Then both say old Mic donald had a farm eya eya yoooooooo~~~.


かぜ  cold

right now I have the cold.Do U guys hate cold I really do.Fever is the least favorite for me.Right I am having a hard time talking because i COUGH and talk.Get it?


あともうちょうっと  LITTLE BIT MORE

In Jan 19 2007 yui will be 2 years old.Ecen though we aren't going to do any thing I'm glad she's turning because we do not have to take care of her often I could study more


うその体そう fake gymnastic


Today is the first day of gymnastic hmm... Will not the first day actually but because winer vacation started this week of 2007.I had to wait for two weeks then I could go back to gynastic.I didn't need to sign up again because it was just for winter vacation.


お茶会 Tea Party


Today I had tea party with my sister.We drank in very little cup.Can you imaginen how small the cups and plate are?