
に時間と三十分 2 hours and 30 minute


Today I went to sigh up for swimming at Cerritos Regional Park.My mom and I woke up at 6:30 .We were at the park at 7:00.I was surprised to see Brenda's mom their.Brenda's mom came at 5:45.Their was a long line.Instead going back of the line Brenda's mom let us cut her.We waited 2 hours just to sign up.When the gate open it was a relief.We were at the sighing place.Just then My heart was pounding.What if I don't make it?I almost,couldn't sign up when Brenda's mom saved me.Their was just one last space for me to sign up which was 11:00.Whew..What a life saver she is!


Unknown said...


yusa said...

is that so take