
Middle School!

Middle School!Gives a lot and lots of homework!!! gasp!! Today I gotten homework from all 7 subjects that I have! Boy, my hand hurted a LOT.
Have I ever told you about that I am in marching band for my school? Well... if not I am. Since we will be marching for hours on October 10th we have been practicing A LOT. If you have to march for band you have to march outside with the group you'll be marching. boy it was sooooooo hot outside.I'll tell you more about my concert/marching down the street in a week or so! >o<
Today my friend got detention from the science teacher. Everyday at lunch (at school) I got to a specific spot to meet everyone. Found out that one of my friend was missing we went around the WHOLE to look for her.Since we could not have found we gave up.....
Today at P.E (physical education) we did dancing. My P.E teacher is crazy!(as in funny not really crazy) She would pick a very kidish song like "London the Bridge is Falling Down" or "Do the Hockey Pokey" is was fun bur embarrassing
Today at P.E (again) we were playing dodging paper ball game (instead of rubbery ball we crumple up paper and make them in to a ball) It was boys VS girls. Girls one! Because we were so smart! (bragging hahaha) The team with the least amount of paper ball on their side wins. As the boys threw the paper ball to our side we girls kept the paper ball on to our side till it was the last 2 seconds then we threw it over to the boys side. And eventually we won! hahaha

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