今日は水泳のさいごの日です。ゆさは1と2のクラスをパスできたので2のクラスにも行ったから3のクラスにいけることができた。7月19日の日が来たらゆさは3のクラスを申しこみをできます。ゆさは !Happy!
Today was the last day of swimming.I'm happy "why" because I can go to level 3!I have finised level 1 and 2.Tommorrow The 19 I can register to go to level 3 Yay.!Happy!
Today was the last day of swimming.I'm happy "why" because I can go to level 3!I have finised level 1 and 2.Tommorrow The 19 I can register to go to level 3 Yay.!Happy!
Congratulation. You are such a fast learner!!
I knew how to swim a little better then long time a go
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