
さめといか Sharks and Squid

Today for P.E we had Sharks and Squid. First you break a whole class up in half. One half is sharks and the other is squid. (This is like a tag game) Their is two octopus in the middle of the field. I know that the name of this game is Sharks and Squid but ,their is Octopus. Octopus is it. When the teacher blow the whistle once it means that it's the sharks turn to run across the field.When the teacher blow it twice it's the squids turn to run. When the teacher blow the whistle three times Sharks and squids all have to run. When we get tag by the octopus we turn into seaweed and stand where we got tag and try to get the people who is not a seaweed.


今は冬か夏でしょうかね。。。。 Is it winter or what

Is it winter or is it summer.California is soooooo hot. The sun feels like the summer sun not the winter sun. It sure was a hot day. Not many people played out because it was really hot. I mean really hot. California has a really weird sun, doesn't it?


スペリング Spelling


Today there was a spelling test at school. (Which is not very often). To approve for the final round everyone in my class had to do a spelling test. There were 15 problems and I missed 4. Luckly my teacher said "Did anyone missed more than 4? I didn't so i got to go to the final round. I was nervous and that first word I got I got it wrong. I knew how to spell it but, couldn't.


カウボーイ  Cowboy

今日はともこさんの子犬をみにいきました。ともこさんの中学校の時の友達せす。 子犬は三ヶ月で、すごく小さいくってかわいいかったす。 ママと妹と私がともこさんの家に行きました。 妹は子犬のことがこわかったそうです。 子犬の名前はカウボーイです。 外に散歩をつれたとたんカウボーイがふるえていました。 カウボーイはとてもこわがりで、せぐにふるえます。 
Today I went to my moms friends house to see the three months year old puppy. My mom friends name is Tomoko. Tomoko was my moms high school friend which was long time ago. The puppys name is Cowboy. I don't know why Tomoko named it Cowboy tough. I went to Tomokos with my mom,my little sister and me. Cowboy was soooooo cute. He started trembling when he first saw me. I guess he was scared. Later on I took him on a walk. Guess what ..........he started tremblig again. He wasn't used to walks becase he's so little. He didn't even budge to move. Guess Cowboy is scared....


わたしだけ Just me

It's just me at home.(except for my mom). I have no one to play with during week days. My little sister has to go to preschool. My mom is working along with my dad. I do have neighbors that are my friends but, They went somewhere during winter vacation.So..... it is just me at home.