Luke was one of the shadow children.His entire life was lonely one.He never had a birthday party, he never went over to friends house, he never had a single friend till.. one day.
He see's a girls face in the window next door. Luke very well knew that the next door neighbor did not have a girl living in it except the Mom. He knew that there were two boys and a dad and mom living in that house.Reason why he knew that because he keeps track of the people living in the house near him.Why does he do that?? Luke has nothing to do all day but sleep,eat and read all day.There were 7 houses around Luke's house.In all he counted that there were only 28 in his neighborhood.each house that Luke kept track had a nick name.The house the he thinks there is the girl is called the Sport family.
Lukes parents had broken the law that they cannot have two or more children. Luke is the third child.That is why he no friends never been outside and etc.
Luke really wanted to met another shadow children but his parents strictly said not to be seen by anyone.Even tough his parents warned hims Luke was still determined to met that shadow child.
He planned his route to the Sport family.Luke haven't decided which day he will go to the sports family. The day came two weeks after he planned his route to the Sport family.
After Luke had checked that everyone in the neighborhood was gone.(his family too) He disobeyed his parents order and ran across the lawn to the Sports family.He planned to go inside the house by the backyard slide door. To his luck the back yard slide was not open. He was frustrated.He jiggled the door.It ripped.Luke slipped into the house.
"Wow" he thought."The sports family house must be really rich!" Luke hears an beep beep beep.He followed the noise.There he saw a box attached to the wall with colorful color blinking.As he went beyond he saw a girl sitting in front of the computer.
The girl turns around.She came pounding on Luke."who are you?" she says