

Today I played with Yui.Yui played with the ball.Yui kicked the ball just a tiny tiny kick.Sometimes I tell Yui to give me the ball and she does.


今日は Cerrtosでパレーどとカーニバルがありました。ゆさはぜんぶののりものおのった。すごくたのしくた。

Today there was a parade and carnival
at Cerritos. I ride all of the rides but didn't ride the baby ride. My favorite ride was the Cliff Hanger.It was pretty high but I am not scared of hights.

Yestreday I went to my dad baseball game and my friend Cournty was there too.She is from a different country.Her dad and my dad play on the same team and they are friends too.



Today at school it was minum day so we got out early.That day we had After School Chess Club.I didn't go because I didn't sign up.And I have to walk home.
昨日は 体育もありました。学校で算数、国語とエーゴのむずかしいなものです。[エーゴのむずかしのはちよとかんたん。]

Yesterday we had PE.I was happy but not angry.At school in class we did math,Open Court Reading book and some cursive."Cursive is a little easy for me."


今日は 学校で ゆさのいちばん大すきなものをやた。体育です。体育できょうそをやた。

Today at school we did one of my favorite subject.It was PE. Is one of my favorite subject.We were suspose to have PE at after lunch recess but we didn't because of my class they are very very noisy and some boys are sometimes rude to my teacher Mr.Bauer thats why we didn't getPE! I get VERY angry!


Yesterday spring break has stop!YAh YAH I was so happy that spring break was over!School was really really fun!


Today my mom friends came over.Then at night they will go to the Gym.

Yesterday I went to my dad baseball pratice.And my little sisterYui came too.Yui is only one years old of three months.Then my friend Courney came too with her dad.Her dad and my dad are friends.We played at the park for three hours.


Today was not really fun because all i did was to take a nap in the mornig for two hours.And read tones of books . It was diffintely not fun.
I forget to do yesterdays.Yesterday was my mom birthday we had so much fun .The chess cake we ate was delices!YUMMY!


今日は 国語をやりました。え語の本を読んだ。それで ゆいをむかいに行きました。 それで 家に帰た。

Today I read my Japeness Open court.I even read tones of "Magic Tree House" books.Then My Dad and I pick up my sister Yui at Long Beach Daycare Nuresy.Then went home.Today we don't have a picture.


今日は パパの会社にいきました。こぐこの読む練習をした。あとヨヨで遊びました。[Magic Tree House]の本をよんだ。

Today I pratice my Japeness reading book.I also played with my yo-yo.And I read lots of books called "Magic Tree House".


今日 ゆさの家の にわに ねこがいました。朝から夜まで ミヤウーミヤウとないてた。すごくうるさいです。 これがねこの写真です。
Today there was a cat in my back yard that it won't go away!It keep on saying moew moew moew. I thouht it was hungry.It was saying moew moew moew mornig through night it was inoring!Here is a picture of the cat.


中国語の学校 The chiness school

今日は ゆさの中国ごの学校ではっぴょうがありました。それで パパの やきゅうのゲームに行きました。そのあいだにゆさのお友だちが来ました。


しいぞくかんにいこ!To the Museum

きょうは ままとぱぱと妹と私がレソトラン に いきました。ぱぱの お友だちと行きました。そのあとに水ぞくかんに行きました。うみのどうぼつをさわた。あとどうぼつのほねを見た。